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Sale of Furniture, Ceramics, Pictures, Jewellery, Watches, Coins etc.
Venue address
The Mart
127 Eastgate
Louth, Lincolnshire
LN11 9QE
United Kingdom
Sale of Furniture, Ceramics, Pictures, Jewellery, Watches, Coins etc.

Auction dates
Feb 04, 2025 10:00 AM GMT
Viewing dates
Feb 02, 2025 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM GMT
Feb 03, 2025 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM GMT
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We found 9 items matching your search
Primary Category
Item Type
Sale Section
Sorted by
Shooting stick, parasols, crocodile handbags, carpet beater etc
12 GBP
Large framed Nottingham lace panel 110cm x 111cm & framed lace collar
20 GBP
20 - 30 GBP
Framed Chinese embroidered silk panels 46cm x 20cm
35 GBP
Quantity of framed needlepoint / crewel work / embroidered panels & framed collage of a pheasant
60 GBP
Lock & Co Hatters London wide band black straw 'Palm Springs' panama hat with original box and brush
50 - 100 GBP
Small suitcase containing table cloths & other linen etc
12 GBP
Chinese silk gown & a dress
30 GBP
Vintage handbag with original mirror and key, white mink collar and mink fur hand warmer with zip
40 GBP
30 - 60 GBP
Samsonite Black Label garment bag by Alexander McQueen with black and white feather design liner and
60 GBP
50 - 100 GBP